Thank you for your interest to submit to Be-Mag. We want to hear from the rollerblading community at large and encourage you to send us news, events, story ideas, scene reports, interviews, product reviews, premieres, artwork, photos, and video.
We ask that submissions be creative, thoughtful, and of high quality. We understand rollerblading isn’t your day job, it isn’t ours either. As the longest running blade magazine, we have a history of providing the community with exceptional news and media. Moving forward, we want to preserve this legacy and showcase rollerblading in the best light with the finest coverage possible.
To ensure we consider a submission properly, please read the guidelines below.


We are always looking for guest writers who would like to contribute to Be-Mag. You can pitch us story ideas or finished pieces. It could be an op-ed, review, tour or contest write up, interview.

Upon submitting your pitch/story, we will email you back to let you know if we are interested. There will be input from staff and assistance throughout the story creation process. We reserve the right to make editorial changes to articles and reject any stories that do not fit our standards.

While we do proof features before going up, we ask that submitted articles be checked for grammar and spelling before sending it to us. If it isn’t good enough for your boss to read, it isn’t okay to send it to us like that either. Writing submissions should be emailed to us as a text file or word document.

If you have photos or video to accompany the piece, please read attach those to the submission as well in low resolution or as a link.

Email and for all writing matters.


Be-Mag receives large volumes of submissions, and we cannot respond to everyone. If you follow-up, please wait a 2-3 weeks after the initial email unless this is a time-sensitive submission.

For submissions, photos / artwork must be provided to us in low resolution (1500×1500, 100dpi), preferably as a Dropbox/Google Drive link. Once we’ve accepted the images, send the images at full resolution, 300dpi, SRGB. Under extenuating circumstances, we’ll consider low resolution images.

Editorial features run between 5-10 images. As a rule, 2-3 skate photos minimum, 2-3 portraits. Providing us variety gives you a better chance at a successful submission.

To help you get an idea of what makes for a successful photo submission, please see our PDF vision boards with images we like:

Download Our Portrait Vision Board
Download Our Blade Vision Board

Image/story credits (name and social media) must be provided for a story to be published. That includes all photographers, writers, musicians, artists, and/or bladers involved. Not providing credits means we reserve the right to rescind our feature offer. We also reserve the right to crop/adjust images (color correction/exposure) if necessary or overlay graphics/text for features.

Title the subject of your email ‘Editorial Submission’ and the name of your project.

Email and for all editorial matters.


To be considered for ‘Photo of the Day’ or ‘Portrait of the Day’, the image should be sent in the highest resolution possible, with blader and photographer credits in the email.

The formats for submissions are as follows:

WHO | Blader name
| @IGhandle
WHAT | Trick (ex. Fishbrain, 540 Mute)
WHERE | City, Country
PHOTO | Photographer name | @IGhandle
RIDING | IG handles of companies they ride for as seen in the photo

WHO | skater name | @ighandle
WHERE | city, state/country
PHOTO | photographer | @ig handle

Any photos without credits will not be considered. Please title the subject of your email ‘Photo of the Day.’

Email for all photo and portrait submissions.


For any skaters and filmers looking to submit videos for review and posting, sending us the following information streamlines the submission process:

Provide a link to the video itself (Youtube, Vimeo, Sellfy), photos / screenshots (when possible), trailers, names and social media of everyone involved, release dates, and full credits on the project. If the video is a VOD, we ask that you email us a full copy of the video for consideration.

Give us with at least 1-2 week’s notice for videos you wish to debut on Be-Mag. It gives us time to prep the articles and work it into the editorial calendar.

Title the subject of your email ‘Video Submission’ and the name of your project.

Email and for all video submissions.


We would like to streamline the process of product releases and product news by offering companies the ability to reach out beforehand with pertinent information about the release. Photos/renders of the product, brief summary on the product, names and social media handles involved, release date, possible quotes we can use in the write up.

By giving Be-mag staff the heads up, we can add these releases to our editorial calendar, time our news stories with your release dates without rush, and give the community fact-checked information straight from source. Any private information about the product will remain confidential until otherwise approved for release.

Please title the subject of your email ‘Product Release’.

Email for all product releases.


We are currently accepting music created by skaters (past or present) looking to showcase their work to the community. In the email, please attach a website and/or social media pages, names of the members of the band, and several full length songs. If an EP/LP albums is being promoted, send a digital copy for review.

Please title the subject of your email ‘Music Submission’.

Email and for all music submissions.